I wanted to experience more in life so that's when I decided to join the Royal Marines. I did six years in total. After the first week of the eight months training course I was pretty sure I did not want to be there because I knew it was not for me. I've always preferred being more of an individual than a team player, and the bull**** came thick and fast. However, I could hardly go back to all my family and friends in Chorley saying I did not like it; obviously that would be seen as a failure, so I stuck it out. In training I was a section commander, marksman and PT (Physical Training) Superior though I only just managed climbing the 30ft rope in full kit, and I had a monster cough which made me popular at night keeping room mates awake. Of course I am glad I prevailed, rather than failed, but six years was enough, unless I was going to specialise. I volunteered for Belfast to get some active service and experience as a rifleman out of the way. I've got some fantastic memories, and I am now very proud of some of the men I had the support of, and the privilege to work with.
I have also travelled all around Europe, Independent Ukraine and The Crimea. I have travelled around Thailand and The United States. I travelled to Havana in Cuba in 1998, which could have been problematic. I was friendly with a tour guide on a day trip to Havana and I surmised to him, during a visit to the Jose Marti memorial for their national hero, that the memorial was in fact specially located to hide a bunker, for example to protect Castro. I used to work in such places in the UK so a few questions about the area, and after viewing the landscape from the top of the tower, made me suspect it. Fortunately, I was not arrested as a Spy! But was I right? Probably not, but the tour man never spoke to me again after that suggestion.
In addition to relaying some of my personal experiences below, the main subject I want to raise is how the concept of the services I provide should be or could be perceived from a public perspective. In a way this is a defence against any potential critic who may want to write a one line headline based on misconceptions or stereotypical views. So how do you percieve the services I provide? Can you help me understand if there are any political, legal, social, moral issues that are more important than individual or global progression? Please let me know if you agree or disagree or would like me to add any points below.
If you are a mother or father of a grown up son or daughter, and you know they are very unhappy because they are single, then wouldn't you like to see them find happiness, at whatever costs? Being objective about the possibilities of how a person can realistically find a partner could be the turning point of their lives. I do believe happiness is a state of mind, whether you are single or whether you have a partner, but sometimes reality is better than imaginary. My services are not suitable for everybody, but some will find my services ideal. Aside from a modicum of stability, I actually believe men should be mature, at least over 25 years old, but I can not disallow those who are younger, because there are younger girls on my site (must be over 18). Building hope now is also hope for the future if and when the right time comes. I am certain that with a bit of effort, and the right guidance, many more people can find happiness.
Ex Marine Promotes "Olga" Brides
This is more than just a business for me, it has been a way of life that has progressed into a passionate cause. Could you BOND with beautiful ladies? I have had some of the best times of my life building Romantic Adventures, and I am sure that many more men can live a better life too. Many women on my site have good jobs, they are educated, and they are beautiful. Meeting these ladies is not sleazy, more often than not it is a dream come true, wining and dining in the most magnificent and romantic locations. This is lifting mens aspirations and endeavours, it is not lowering them. Nor would these women give the best years of their lives to a bad man - fact. I am looking for support in the cause to ensure there are always places to go to meet single, educated, attractive women. The structure of the services I provide supports my clients. Is this a cause you want to support? Unsurprisingly more men than women answer yes to this question, but as I mention below, if enough single women also want to pursue similar ventures I will assist and develop other programmes - three-quarters established in my mind already, but at present there is no demand from women, the UK dating sites are able to look after most UK women, if indeed they need looking after at all - most pubs and clubs are 80% men, 20% women, if that.
What other political concepts may be associated with finding a foreign bride?
Will women find it offensive, because there husbands might "upgrade" (works both ways?). A UK woman may choose a richer man; A UK man may choose a slimmer younger woman. So what? What about equality with dating?
Is encouraging "Legal" immigration a political concern? What about "World Peace"?
If it is statistically impossible for all men to find love, then what's wrong with promoting a basic human right - to found a family?
Are there any security issues with marrying a foreign women from Russia or Ukraine? If a soldier married a Russian bride, would they both be able to live on the base?
Is there anything immoral about finding love abroad, more so than finding love at home?
If the Americans, Russians, and Ukrainians have cornered the international dating market over the last 15 years, what is wrong with a UK company competing with them? Especially if the UK companies standards and procedures are saintly in comparison, which will ultimately help our men?
Maybe it's time to bond in more ways than one.
The fictional JB himself (James Bond) exemplifies the excitement associated with foreign travel and women. I am not talking about the spy or license to kill aspects, but the successful romantic slant with meeting women internationally associated with such a charismatic persona. However, the reality is that my clients include Male nurses, Hospital Porters and Company proprietors, Directors and even a Civil Servant, so please don't underestimate the "James Bond" potential of men in the UK. One day international dating will be as popular in the UK, as it is in the USA . The male population in the UK are at least ten years behind the Americans, but the great thing is, my website and infrastructure is ten times more reliable and secure (or whatever multiple) than the Americans and Russians will ever even dream theirs to be.
The feedback I am getting from my clients makes me proud to have persisted in bringing this service to single men. I have succeeded in identifying the shortfalls of the dating industry, making improvements over and above all my competitors, who are primarily the Americans, Russians and Ukrainians. I don't consider the UK companies to be much competition because of the poor ratio of women to men in the UK, but of course some UK dating companies are very successful in terms of drawing in the men, as they made their money when online dating first started and they have built up a prominent position in the UK industry. I can only imagine how many men have tried and given up after trying UK dating sites - it must be millions of men, so much lost hope.
Let's get something out of the way before we start; many critics may say that Romantic Adventures will encourage men to leave their UK wives. I admit that the fact that my services are genuine in terms of honesty and dating potential, as compared with many other competitors, however there are thousands of dating agencies, especially international, so such an accusation is preposterous as a generality. I recommend people seek help if they are having relationship problems, even on my home page, however it is a fact that both men and women can move on from a relationship at any time and it is their individual relationship that determines this: my services just makes the balance more equal. My business is for single men so a company cannot be blamed if a man leaves his wife, or visa-versa.
The above photo is one of my favourites. I am actually in an armoured vehicle in Belfast (1989 21'st aniversary of the troubles, and near my 21'st birthday). Time off was rare, I once counted 72 ours non-stop patroling without sleep) but one day we squeazed in a game of five aside in an RUC police station gym. The showers were not working so we risked going to another station without putting our uniforms back on to do "top cover". If there had been an incident, I may have ended up running around belfast with my rifle, in only my t-shirt, shorts and trainers. Rather that, than not have a shower after phys!
If we want to discuss morality and decency of any business, then we don't have to look far to be stereotypical. I have known divorce lawyers (Solicitors) to have successful advertising campaigns using quotes like "Ditch The Bitch", which I think could be defined as immoral. So if indeed there is any potential of men leaving their wives to "upgrade", then those same lawyers may want to have a party, because they may get more future business. I repeat though, this service is for single men. If your'e married seek a marriage makeover. Offering single men a real opportunity to find happiness or found a family is not immoral, it is commendable.
I set this business up because I wanted to do better than those who operate so many scams. Surely I can not be criticised for providing a genuine service with realistic potential? There is nothing immoral about helping men find happiness. I know it is unprofessional to criticise competitors, and I cannot mention any names, but I believe that the personal and important nature of the help that individuals deserve overrides this. I feel like I am apologising for this, but COME ON, the least we can do is ENSURE GENUINE COMMUNICATIONS from the ladies men choose. Many competitors won't even do that!
Are there any other issues? Let me make it clear, my business is whiter than white. I am here to fix problems in dating, not create them. I welcome any future legislation if it will help. I welcome any balanced discussion and guidance from those who may be regarded as "the great and the good" and I would be delighted to answer any questions.
On this page I will try to raise issues that bring out an objective view of any participation with Romantic Adventures, otherwise it is too easy to fall in to the misconception trap, that is easily raised by some individuals, and Hollywood. I am naturally a sceptic when I look at any offer, and I am also sceptic against my potential critics intentions so we can all play the game of Devils advocate. The financially secure are the most likely to be successful using my services, but this could also include average Joe. How sad is it IF snobby Toby does not want to see average Joe really and truly live the life. Oh what an injustice! An average bloke having as much or more fun, meeting as many or more beautiful ladies than those more fiscally prominent or discontentedly settled. The fact is that every single man who has a sustainable livelihood that produces disposable income to a level of basic financial security and affordability could seek a partner and potentially meet many slim, educated, beautiful and talented ladies. Life is diverse, love is universal!
Equality with Dating
I started to build Romantic Adventures a while after my first trip to Kherson when I was 36 years old - what a profound life-changing event. I am 41 now. It makes me smile to think that I, especially after serving 6 years in the Royal Marines, have come to succeed in building a professional International Dating agency that brings together ladies from the old Eastern Block, with men from the West.
Many people will discriminate against any form of immigration but some immigration may be beneficial. Note: We are talking about LEGAL immigration. No doubt it will be a sensitive issue in some quarters, when it comes to bringing beautiful slim ladies to the West (see fco.gov.uk or a legal professional for immigration advice) but what, if any, are the reasonable objections to the proposition? Let's be clear, this service is for single men, and surely it's not such a bad thing to promote making love over and above war?
Romantic Adventures is not about potential immoral issues such as adultery, but I am aware that some UK dating companies specialise in promoting infidelity - what next? The services I offer is saintly by comparison. Some ladies on my site are so straight they would not marry a divorcee, as it would oppose their religion. However I think sexuality and morality in terms of how people conduct their personal relationships, whether they are married or single, is their business alone. There's lots of things I am proud of, but there are also moments I am not proud of, but that's life; Just try and be better in future I suppose. Most people make mistakes, and all countries have good and bad people. I can't circumvent the insecure or the prudish who make stereotypes of East European women or any women, or even men. We can not avoid some Hollywood misconceptions but for those that try may well be pleasantly surprised. We can all envisage or make up horror stories. Every country in the world poses its own risks, including ours. There are prostitutes in most countries, but they usually account for but a tiny fraction, and they provide a service that could be construed as more useful to some than others. They have survived the centuries so I doubt there will ever be a day that they are not sought? Our service is primarily for single men, and arguably, some men who are not single are under the thumb in the UK, than the alternate, which illustrates the reality of dating in the UK. I suspect many bars in our town centers turn in to brawls because a man has looked at another mans women. I believe this is much rarer in Kiev - maybe it's the women that are brawling or something over the men - that's not completely unheard of in the UK either. The UK needs this resolution. What services are most in need in the future by men and women may change. Whatever, I am here to help men and women bond, and if they have to travel a few thousand miles to succeed, I think the participants are indeed showing that they are indeed serious about meeting. Arrange to meet a dozen ladies through my site, and I bet at least ten show up, if not all of them, and many ladies may have to travel 10 or 15 hours as well to get to the meeting location. Its serious stuff, and more women are left disapointed and let down by men - it's almost the reverse situation to here.
I can only apologise if it makes some women pull their face as a result of this potential re-balance, because they may feel insecure or jealous: welcome to the reality of many a single Englishman who have felt or may feel insecure and jealous, who on average after a divorce may be single for years. It is highly unlikely that any relationship would close without very strong reasons - jointly or one-sided. From my own experience, and my friends, I recall it being rare to see ex girlfriend's in UK be single for more than two weeks. How many men were waiting in the shadows? If a married man gets jealous if his friend or colleague finds a stunning wife, maybe his problems are biggest of all. Giving single men real hope to find love has more potential to create happiness, than sadness. It may also improve attendance at work and reduce the queues at the doctors for men with post divorce depression. Any guy who has been single for a couple of years knows how hard it is to find another suitable relationship. There is something about being single that saps the confidence out of a man. A happily married man sometimes has more opportunities because he has the confidence - not much justice in that, "but it's never too late to get it back!" (quote from American Beauty). I know from personal experience on many occasions that when I was single, often I would not raise the curiosity of a glance from an attractive lady, in a supermarket or wherever, but my oh my how I have noticed that the eyes are raised if I was with an attractive lady. What must some ladies be thinking? I suppose its just curiosity, about "what has he got to be with her"?.
It may be stretching the imagination but how many married women in the UK run off with another richer bloke - whichever way round I bet the statistics are enlightening. When this happens, is it not tantamount to UK women upgrading their man? There is another suggestion that many married men (or divorced men) may agree with and that is that the more men that venture to find their partner abroad, then the more opportunities that it leaves for guys here, and the less likely that the wife will cheat, because there would be fewer men available. Of course cheating works both ways and that is another story. What do you think? Should you be recommending Romantic Adventures to keep the blokes away from your partner? Keep the potential shadows at a distance? I would welcome any comments. I once produced a poster, which gave the impression that with Romantic Adventures a man could upgrade at any time. Yes it's possible, but it remains the fact that if a couple are happy, whether in love or best friends or both, most people don't change partners at the drop of a hat.
However, if ladies are offended by the prospect of my services being biased towards men, I invite them to contact me and I will make special arrangements for them to meet either men from my website, or meet men from Russia or Ukraine. If the demand is strong enough, I will eventually be able to reduce the cost of providing the special service. There is more information about what we could do for ladies at the bottom of the "about us" page. I expect there will be no demand, which clearly demonstrates that I am correct in my assessment of the UK dating situation.
This happened to me: I also recall asking a gay man if he would have become a gay if he had a nice girlfriend available / beforehand. I was not surprised when he said "no". This may or may not be a one-off but it has to be born in mind when we look at what is going on around us. There was a gay man on The Wright Stuff the other week. The presenter failed to point out that the gay man separated from his wife "against his wishes", and though he said he was happy today with his male partner, I got the impression he would have stuck with his straight life with his wife if he had a choice. Is it a bold statement or a discriminatory remark to say there would be less gay men in the UK if there were more available single women? Is it a bold statement to say there would be more happy men around if they had a realistic chance of finding love with a woman in the UK? If they can not find a woman in the UK, what is wrong with looking further afield - it would not bother the likes of James Bond - and from experience I can assure you it will bring about the best days of your life - and that's just talking about the search, not to mention the resultant life-changing potential.
It's common knowledge now that UK dating sites are oversubscribed by men in an 80/20 ratio, so something in the wind comes to mind for a man trying to find love there, and there is nothing commendable about providing false hopes. So it is a factual reality that women in the West have more choice when it comes to finding a suitable partner, so Romantic Adventures is simply balancing things out, as they should be. We here so much about equality, so let's have some equality when it comes to dating and potential for relationship development.
World Peace & Globalism
When I was a marine, I did active service in West Belfast from Fort Whiterock. In fact I had my 21st birthday there - I remember it turning midnight, and I was on duty in a Sanger overlooking a road where the locals were spilling out of a pub at Midnight. Now I know why I got a medal - for coping with the depression of not having a 21st birthday party:) Back then I had no delusions of building Romantic Adventures. I was in my prime physically, and had a girlfriend back home. After a stint in Norway, ski-ing up mountains with a 120 pound on the back (5 hours), and down mountains, (5 minutes), I was selected to work underground in a military "bunker" for a more sensitive role associated with the security of the firing safes for Polaris Nuclear Weapons. Simply put, if an unauthorised person(s) approached the firing safes, then I would have had to shoot due to what I understood to be a potential threat of global nuclear warfare. Of course, most of the weapons were probably pointing to the places where the ladies who are seeking a suitable male partner with Romantic Adventures were born and still live.
If you ever meet some of the ladies on the Romantic Adventures website, whether you are a man or a woman, you may be more inclined to believe that the concept of World Peace supersedes any more trivial racist suggestions against immigration, or indeed how to find love. If an individual can find love from our ex cold war enemies, then maybe we can look at the bigger picture, when it comes to Globalisation and the financial well being of the entire world. It has come apparent recently with the credit crunch, and the collapse of some banks, that capitalism is struggling. Can we learn from the mistakes? Is it time for a new Zeitgeist, built on a bedrock of decency. A new level of decency that stretches across all the classes, as well as nations.
Furthermore, Hollywood, and the producers influence all of us who watch films and TV. Misconceptions and stories and controversy sell films and TV programmes. We must all realise that Nations more often than not fully co-operate to produce these films. Could we have seen the Bourne trilogy, and countless other films filmed all over the world, without co-operation from our so-called enemies? Individuals need to distinguish between fact and fiction when living life. I want every nations politicians to be dining on any billionaires yacht - isn't that better than sitting in the respective war cabinets discussing military strikes?
Additional Insert: On 29 October, in the early hours of the morning, I watched a programme on TV called "Hard Talk". Here is an extract from the BBC World News website:
"David Rothkopf, author of 'Superclass' and Jonathan Aitken, former UK cabinet minister. The world economy has been rocked by a financial crisis...from the US, to Iceland and Pakistan it's exposed the limited power of parliaments and politicians. The author of 'Superclass' sees an international select group now operating alongside the traditional power structures who are remaking the modern world through their roots in business, finance and the media. Stephen Sackur asks is it time we challenged the power of the global elite?"
The above programme has put in to words exactly what I have suspected was the case, for years. In my opinion it could have gone a step further, and pointed out that much of what the global elite do, usually has a large element of self-interest. In a capitalist society there is nothing wrong with self-interest. Every person on the planet who is self-employed, or has a job has self-interest, but most simply require paying the bills, and others desire to amass fortunes. It is now time for National Governments to co-operate with other nations, both capitalist and socialist, to find a new way forward which operates in the "Global" interest. This may hurt some of our super elites self-interest. We need a media system that supports both short-term and long-term issues that are positive for global progression, rather than negative self-interested progress for example for selling newspapers by creating unbalanced controversy. We need more positive solutions and less negativity. The media needs to promote good over bad, and if it is controversial, provide a balanced perspective, rather than a quirky headline. More often than not it is the elite superclasses that are the experts at playing the media, using publicity and public relations to the extreme, which brings them more wealth, self-interest. The media needs to be thinking more about global progression, and no doubt distinguishing between national and individual goals.
Let us promote the actual progress that people and Nations have achieved, over and above what they merely say they will achieve, which often can be a gimmick or publicity stunt. We should help poorer nations have access to clean water etc, but we should also get something in return for giving them this help, but that return may not be seen in the short term. We should promote basic human rights on a global scale, and show the world using a positive media approach how much good the powerful nations and powerful individuals can achieve. No important issue should be narrowed down to biased headlines. Important issues can be global, national, or individual. I can relate this to the services I offer on this site, because an individual, whether rich or poor, has a basic human right to found a family (ECHRFF). That basic human right is usually more accessible to those with more wealth than others, but average Joe can also be successful given the right opportunity and guidance. Providing single men with real opportunities of finding love are more likely to solve problems, than create them. If JB can spend time with a beautiful lady called Olga, maybe you can too - I must go and see the film soon!
Class distinction & opportunism
I was damaged quite badly when my first relationship ended (I was dumped) when I was in the marines, so you may be able to recognise some bitterness with my words here. I was actually seeing a girl who was a student. When she graduated she took a job with Business Daily in London. Her foot was half way in the door because her sister was a presenter there. She put me through a period of unnecessary pain saying she was too busy to meet, and when we finally did meet, we had a weekend away at Bognor Regis. The following week it all came out in a "Dear John" letter. She'd been getting offers for wine and dine, not to mention the offers to work in TV in Australia. It all came out in the letter. I even let Kes Wingfield read it and he told the other marines what a welfare case I was - thanks for that Kes I hope your single:) (Kes later became one of Princes Diana's bodyguards, the one that was not in the car crash in Paris).
Looking back I don't blame her for choosing the high life, and I should have seen that our relationship was going nowhere. My older brother warned me that it is rare for a relationship to be successful across the so-called classes. I was too naive to think it mattered. I recall now that she said her mother (quite high at MENSA) said she wanted to see her with a lawyer or a doctor, and that her decision now would affect the rest of her life. Even her brother in law was against me; saying that his family (Irish relatives) were disgusted when they found out she was seeing a British Soldier. By the way I have nothing against the Irish, my mums dad was from Cork, and few people can have the crack as much as me! All these things were quite upsetting for me back then because I was just a plain English lad following my instincts, and I had never experienced rejection or discrimination like that before, so these events and loss of pride hit me quite hard. To be honest if I wasn't so thick at the time I would have realised that it was the lust I had lost rather than the love that caused me so much pain. Whatever, this is just an example how a lady can "choose", and I'm pretty sure now that it's not such a bad idea for guys to do that as well - Romantic Adventures provides just that real opportunity.
I admit I was a welfare case back then, feeling hurt and insecure after losing my pride, but I decided back then to put my energy into running, boxing, and I started an A-Level in law through the RRC and when I got a "B" through ULEAC, it kick started my education as a mature student, and the reasons for dropping boxing after being offered a place on the Navy boxing team are another long story. Finding a new suitable partner even back then was not easy. It was fine for my ex girlfriend to decide what was best for her, with a bit of encouragement from her family, by mixing with potentially richer and no doubt more educated partners. Of course looking back maybe they did me a favour. I say that what is good practice for women in the UK is also good practice for men. If single men choose Romantic Adventures to create their opportunities then good luck to them, what harm does that do to anyone else? Ladies who come to the UK for marriage are NOT a burden on the state, because their sponsor has to prove he can afford to keep them. The laws of the land control it all. Most ladies are genuine and stereotyping is unjust.
So there is nothing wrong with adopting a selective approach, if you are in a position to do so. Jumping on a plane to Kiev to meet a dozen or so ladies does take a little bit of boldness especially for those who have seen too many films and have misconceptions about such places. After you have met half a dozen ladies you will truly start to relax and know your potential. Even with all the misconceptions in the world I can assure you a flight to Kiev will not bring any comparisons with having to get on a flight to Belfast or Afghanistan. I know it is just a matter of time before single men realise here in the UK, like they have in the USA, as it takes time to inform and educate a Nation. But when they do realise, it is of supreme importance that men do not use companies that use affiliate agencies.
Great care must be taken, because there are hundreds of International dating Companies that are just spin offs: affiliates that operate scams, primarily providing false correspondences and often from false ladies. I have even heard of some scams where agencies are involved in drug trafficking. It may be heresay, but it will be part of my service to re-emphasise to my clients never to let their personal baggage out of their site. Be strict with security, where ever you travel to. I would even recommend opening any baggage after a flight to check it, on both departure and arrival. If there is something there that should not be, then you can alert the police, before the police alert you! Let's have watertight security! I even want to work with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, or the Embassies, to ensure that my members let their respective Embassies know every time they have a trip, and have their phone numbers to hand to seek help in an emergency - its common sense security. Having the confidence to call your local Embassy, and request assistance, if you have a serious problem, is an absolute necessity to boost your confidence, and to be in control of your safety! Though it is rare, I know expats in Kiev who said they have had hastle from the police in Kiev. They say they soon back off if you say "What's your number" (meaning police i.d number), in order to report them to the Embassy. Choosing an affiliate agency increases the risks significantly, and it can be very difficult to spot them. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for single men and that is why I set up, to improve services, to make this in to a mega opportunity that it deserves to be, rather than an operation that can't see past the next scam and the end of each day. I have got the process right to achieve the highest likelihood of success, encouraging proper planning and providing full guidance based on everything I have learned, to make it all run as smoothly as humanly possible. I want you to find that perfect partner for life. If you do it on your first visit thats fine, but from a business perspective I am quite happy if you take your time choosing, meeting as many ladies as possible - may be life can be more exciting than you thought it could!
Basic Human Right
It's a basic human right to found a family, so do not let any Hollywood misconceptions put you off the opportunity that is now staring you in the face. Romantic Adventures is affordable to the average man with an average job if he plans carefully and follows our guidance. I give my members as much information as possible about the entire process, including free fiance visa advice. It is a fact that the more financially secure you are the more likely you can be more selective, taking your time with your search, but if it is a matter of no chance and some chance, then I feel it's a worthy cause. The average man can find a lady that has education, sometimes a great deal of talent, and most of the time they have good looks, and are slim - unlike me, but do not doubt they must be treated with respect. They are not desperate to get out of Kiev, many ladies have good jobs by their standards, and no lady will give up the best years of her life to be with you if you are not reasonable and respectful.
There are simply too many lonely people who need a true opportunity to have an adventure of a lifetime, which could potentially also change their entire life. I am sure in some years ahead I will have many more success stories, the feedback from my clients is fantastic. I am also sure that some will give it a go and it may not be for them, but at least they would have had the courage to take a look at their own possibilities.
Be careful with what you see on TV. There was a programme on a a while ago where a presenter travelled to Ukraine to film some guys who were meeting some ladies from the Ukraine. I've never seen such rubbish in my life. The presenter started out by slandering and stereotyping the girls, even saying they were trained how to give a good BJ etc, and then she portrayed them more correctly and started discriminating against the few men that agreed to be filmed, saying they smell or had bad breath. So the men went out of their way to help them make the programme and then got abused as a thankyou.
Good job I declined any involvement. It was such an inaccurate representation of ladies, and men, it made me cringe. It also made some of my colleagues and members cringe. I don't like having to talk about personal facts, but I have mentioned below that I was in a relationship with Natalia (Natasha is same) which spanned about one year - there was no BJ involved and most people don't choose a wife based on that. She was a friend of the lady that worked for me, and like most ladies in Kiev etc they have never considered joining a dating or marriage agency. I will even go back to the first lady I spent an entire week with in Kherson 5 years ago, she was also called Natalia, and there was no BJ involved there either. I did have straight sex with these ladies, and as much as I would have liked, those ladies would NOT do that. Maybe that's a bad add for my site but at least it is honest and factual! Everybody is different, even if they come from a place far less wealthy than ours you can not stereotype - Fact! Whatever happens I know from all my experiences that I have had some of the best times of my life in Kiev, and I believe people really do not know what they are missing, so I strongly recommend contacting ladies, and planning towards a fully supported tour.
Most guys (maybe old fashioned) know that if they bed a lady on the first night some tend to lose respect (sometimes both feel a sense of guilt about it). I know people who have dated Russian and Ukrainian ladies for months without developing to that stage. No doubt there are plenty first nighters and one nights stands too. It is personal, and stereotyping is unjust. If the objective is to produce such rubbish just to get ratings then what a sad direction we are going in, when it is at other peoples expense who are not in a position to defend themselves to the same scale. How ridiculous it would be for someone to say that "all" ladies control their men by what they do behind closed doors!
We have recently seen on TV with the Ross / Brand issue, there are limits on what presenters should get away with. Is it unfair to upset a famous person, but perfectly fine to publicly humiliate and potentially upset an average, or below average man for his shortcomings?
What's the best and worst-case scenario?
Can Romantic Adventures do anything to help single men? What's the best-case scenario with a persons involvement with the services offered by my business? That they will find a superb partner, who becomes their loyal wife, and they raise a great family together. What is the worst-case scenario? That it all ends up in divorce? I think you have just as much, if not more chance to have a successful relationship with women from abroad than you have with women from home. The women from abroad is only too well aware that you could go back to find another women if things don't work out. Well we can't wait forever to find a suitable partner, can we, time will run out so for many it is a case of stay single, or be more open minded.
If you take the best years of a, more often than not younger ladies life, then at least you would have enjoyed that time of your life. If your anything like me, maybe she would deserve a medal for putting up with you. I suppose you could also come back to me and use my services again, as no doubt there would be even more ladies on my site by then, so from a business perspective, I can not ignore that possibility. As far as I understand the law, there are also many misconceptions about settlements on divorce. A barrister once told me that getting half of the marital estate is wrong. I can assure you that all the ladies that I have met, and that I am aware of, won't give up their life to be with someone they do not like, so I think the likelihood of a women setting out with the intention of having a family only to break it up are very unlikely. If you love each other why would you separate?
Memorable occasions
You will have many more great memories to look back on if you choose Romantic Adventures to help you. After you have settled in to the rudiments of contacting ladies, building up your selection of ladies who you want to meet and who in turn want to meet you (all of which is checkable because with EV membership, you can randomly request direct contact details, emails and phone numbers) you would then venture to meet ladies with or without our tour support.
Of course we advise tour support, because that almost guarantees full satisfaction with any tour, as long as you're a reasonable person. So you would hop on a plane, have the excitement of visiting a burgeoning European city, meet as many ladies as you like for coffee, lunch or wine & dine, and then come home and go back to work. You will know by then if you have clicked with any of the ladies, and then its up to you if you want to progress even further.
If you follow our guidance you could create many more happy memories. You will look back with pride and amazment. There's nothing stopping you having as many Romantic Adventures as you like, as long as your "financially stable" (an uncomfortable phrase but one we all have to accept, in every walk of life). Whatever happens it is your choice whether you want to find a wife in short term, or long term, or if you simply enjoy the time searching whenever you have free time. Of course with any travels you should seek travel advice from fco.gov.uk and I will also give you many many tips to help ensure your trip is as safe and smooth as possible.
Don't worry if at the moment you "can't afford a tin of beans", (I mean a trip to Kiev, most of us have been skint at one time or another), just get on with your job or your studies. Work hard and your day will come. If there are enough people who support the cause I believe in, namely this website, then there will always be a place to go to find true romance. Life is diverse, love is universal! You never know what is around the corner.
Single? Maybe. Not for long?
Finally, to leave no stone unturned let me tell you why I am currently single - though I do have a female lodger who is a great cook (and that is all). There is a simple reason for being single. I do not believe in long distance relationships, unless you are planning to be together on a full time basis in the near future, and I plan to spend as much or more time in Kiev at a future date, than I do in the UK, in order to control expansion and be on hand to help clients who book tours. I want to take my time searching, and I put my business first at the moment, and that is not particularly conducive to the effort a relationship would require. I do not think I can find a wife in the UK, especially as the owner of this business, because it would be a big lie to say it would be easy to be faithful in Kiev. I rushed in to a marriage once before with a UK lady, and that was a mistake, so I have been there. I want to get it right for me this time when I am ready, as much as I want my clients to get it right.
This service is for financially secure men, and what is an appropriate level of financial security for one man, may not be the same, or adequate, to another. I have re-invested everything I have earned, and borrowed, even re-mortgaged my houses to bring this service to the position it is today, and sometimes I feel more like I have built a monumental charity organisation, with the nominal subsription I charge which could have such immense life-changing results (some of my members have mentioned to me that they would have happily paid more than the nominal subscription, if they had to, but I have left it affordable to as many as possible because I feel that in principle this is as much of a long term cause as it is a medium term service, to give more people the opportunity to at least properly give it a go and find out what it is about).
My aim in the future is to spend more time in Kiev because I would like to be on hand to help support and meet my clients on any future trip. Whether I am in Kiev or not at the time off a clients tour, I give my clients all the support that I can think of both in writing, and over the telephone. The time I will be able to spend in Kiev will be dependant on bookings, and balancing my overall business objectives. Building the organisation, and balancing and managing strategies dictate where I need to be, but maybe in the near future the balance of time will be spent in Kiev. I am ofcourse the key person managing staff, and I will always be rigid with this, but the time will come where I delegate more tasks and it is then that I will be more keen to settle down - I quite look forward to that.
So I don't see the urgency in bringing a lady to England, when one of my goals is to spend much more time in Kiev. I nearly invited a girl to England called Natalia, but back then there was more uncertainty than the direction the company has developed to today. Back then I simply could not see our relationship being successful, if I was working 24/7, and reinvesting everything I have, so I pulled out and hurt her feelings, and I feel bad about that, and it is not something I have wanted to repeat until the time is right for me, but this does not mean I have not met any ladies or had any dates since. So it wasn't the right time for me then, and it is not the right time for me now, but I have my goals like everyone. What are your goals? Where can you see yourself in the next 3 or 6 or 12 months, or five years? Are you ready to get the ball rolling to start planning to meet ladies? I am ready to help you succeed, and with the nominal subscription level I have set, I hope to attract higher levels of support to maintain and improve the reality of what I have achieved, and continue to achieve in the future.
Two websites rolled into one.
To find Romantic Adventures on the internet, the easiest way is to type any of our full domain names into your browser and save it to your favourites: www.romanticadventures.co.uk or www.asa-vantage.com or www.dating-russian-brides.com or if you have any queries please call me on 07980 545155. ASA Vantage is the name that will appear on your statement should you become a paid member to any of the services available at Romantic Adventures. If you register at Romantic Adventures, your profile will appear on my other website www.english-dating.com which is set up for ladies convenience, to register in Russian, view men's profiles, and write replies to their letters from male clients on the main website Romantic Adventures.
Effectively these sites are like "brother and sister" sites. One is designed for the ladies convenience to view men's profiles, and reply to their letters, and the other is for men's convenience, to view ladies profiles and start the correspondence process. Of course, when necessary our staff have to conduct the translations between the two sites, but the sites actually operate as one in terms of functionality. English Dating is a more appropriate logo for the Ukrainian / Russian side of the business. Both sites function together perfectly to make the whole service work as smoothly as possible. This is a key ingredient of our unique service, allowing ladies the full control of their profile and letter responses which is one of the reasons we are unique, and it is absolutely crucial for genuine success - most of our competitors do not provide this control and functionality to their ladies.
Contact Steve Fowler
If you have any questions about www.romanticadventures.co.uk please contact Steve Fowler on +44 (0)7980 545155 or via the website.

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